Macromedia Flash MX Professional 2004

Macromedia Flash is a tool that can be used to create various animations, presentations, gaming devices and even teach. Besides Flash MX can be used as a tool for web designing, and various other multimedia applications.

There are several menus on the home page Macromedia Flash MX Professional 2004, namely:
Open a Recent Item Is the category that displays all the files / documents that have been flash made in the extension. .fla

Is a command to open a document that has been made
but not covered in the Open Recent Items due to space constraints.
Create New
Is the command to create a document / file a new flash.
Create from Template
Is a template provided by Macromedia in the form of user
This command will call the Macromedia web site for session rates.
Is the command to go to the Flash help page (Help).
First we must know in advance the work environment MacromediaFlash. On the left there is a Tools, at the top center of the Timeline, which is used to adjust the animation timeline, and in the middle there is a Stage which is part of a visually visible when publish or preview in browser.

Important things to note:
To change the background color and size of the stage can be done by:
@ Right-click on the stage, then select Document Properties so that it will
issued a dialog box as shown below.
@ Or by selecting the menu Modify> Document (Ctrl + J).

Measurement stage can be changed on the option Dimensions width to the width of the stage where
and height for the high stages, the width and minimum height is 1 px, width and height
maximum is 2880 px.
At the option Match:
To change the size of the stage to the maximum available print area (the size of the stage
will follow the amount of paper used).
To adjust the width and height of the Stage object is located, if the object is placed right at the top left of the Stage then the width of the stage will be as large as the object, if not then the distance from the left and the upper stage to the object will be equal to the distance the bottom right of the stage.

Default To change the stage to the size of a standard that is 550 x 400 pixels.
Tools Box
Tools used for drawing and manipulating images / objects.
Tools are divided into four major parts namely:
Tools in this section is used to edit and manipulate
View the section is used to enlarge or
minimize the screen.
Colors in this section there is a pallet for changing the color of the outline
and fills.
This section is an option modifiers of each tool selected,
Each tool has different modifiers.

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