Rio [2011] Animated Movie

One more animated film that aired in April this month, titled Rio. Rio is the latest work from Carlos Saldanha, director of film Ice Age. The story begins with a baby blue Macaw who was arrested for netted and then exported to America and sold. When an accident occurs, the baby blue Macaw bird fell in Minnesota, in front of the house sweet girl named Linda. Linda called the bird and the blue Blu unique friendship between birds and humans. Their friendship lasted for many years, until a bird expert told Linda that the species Blu (Blue Macaw) is almost extinct. Blu is the kind of the last male of the species. To save the population of macaws, Blu was brought back to Brazil and reproduce the species with the Macaw bird pair it with a blue female named Jewel who is a wild bird. This is where a lot of cuteness going on, just imagine the birds to the city with all the pride in the pair with wild birds.
How is the continuation of the story next? Download it.

Rio 2011 DVDrip

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